RE: “Home Safe Every Night”
My husband and I fear this as well; our sweet baby is only six, but is often mistaken for 10 because he’s a big kid. It’s terribly sad that we have to do this, but we are doing what we can to educate ourselves and our families about racial profiling and keeping him safe.
HOLLIE • via Facebook
My son is an almost 16-year-old Mexican-American. He does have a tendency to get mouthy when he feels he’s being wrongly or unjustly targeted for anything, and I worry about him being impulsive or disrespectful to the wrong person if questioned or stopped. It’s a real fear of mine!
KRISTINA • via Facebook
My 13-year-old son is African-American and Latino. He is the sweetest human you will ever meet, never ever a discipline problem. But he has developmental delays across the board, including speech, and my biggest fear for him is that he will literally be misunderstood and treated as a threat because of it. The thought leaves me in a panic. We’ve had several conversations with both our son and 15-year-old biracial daughter, telling them they must be very careful about how they act in public when not with us. It’s sad, but it’s the truth they must live with.
LEANN • via Facebook
RE: “The Fine Line Between Letting Go and Being Let Go”
What an adventure!! I was really touched by your story. Those boys will be fine.
MILE • comment posted online