[Book Review] Yes, You Can Adopt! A Comprehensive Guide to Adoption

Susan Freivalds reviews Yes, You Can Adopt! A Comprehensive Guide to Adoption by Richard Mintzer, a broad overview of the decisions, and processes involved in adopting a child.

Cover of Yes, You Can Adopt! A Comprehensive Guide to Adoption

Da Capo Lifelong Books; 2002

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Yes, You Can Adopt!, by Richard Mintzer, lives up to its name by providing a broad overview of the considerations, decisions, and processes involved in adopting a child. Family stories and checklists of issues and questions to ask will help you consider whether adoption is right for you, and then address the many necessary additional decisions — international or domestic, baby or older child, open or traditional, agency or independent. Information on the adoption process includes valuable details about finding a birth mother, talking with birth mothers, and paying birth mother expenses. In fact, a particular strength of this book is its treatment of independent adoption of a U.S. infant. This book would be a good place to start your learning about adoption, to define your interests, and decide what kind of adoption you want to pursue.


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