Teens have a lot of questions — including some about family religion.
Wearing the Adoption Cape
I used to be all about saving the world–and my kids–from stupid “adoption-speak.” Then I learned that being a mom isn’t about the heroics.
Building “Nontraditional” Families
Our legal expert explains what gay, lesbian, and single parents need to know when building their nontraditional families during the process of adopting.
In Memory of Fisseha “Sol” Samuel, 1994-2014
The full text of the moving eulogies given by Melissa Fay Greene and Lee Samuel for her 20-year-old son, Fisseha “Sol” Samuel.
Tackling Tricky Assignments
Creative solutions for tricky school assignments, from bringing in a baby picture to the family tree.
Teaching the Teachers
How one mother set out to educate her town.
Becoming an Advocate at School
There’s nothing like a school’s insensitivity to adoption to turn a quiet mom into a bold activist.
Talking About Adoption in the Classroom
Some parents choose to talk to their child’s teacher about adoption. Others believe it’s a private matter. Here’s how your fellow readers weigh in.
Finding the Right Words at School
When questions about adoption start circulating at my son’s school, I step in with a tried-and-true presentation.
Should You Tell the Teacher that Your Child was Adopted?
Should you tell the teacher that your child was adopted? What happens when your child doesn’t share your ability to learn? Parents share advice and offer support on these and other questions.
Minimizing Placement Trauma
Pre-adolescents have special needs in a foster care placement. Our expert provides tips on how to make the transition to an adoptive home a little easier.
Happy Endings
The end of the school year can be stressful for children and parents. Here’s a guide for making it a smoother transition.
“Adopting Teenagers From Foster Care”
“My boys were teens when I adopted them, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t need a mom. Even if I was only 25 at the time.”
“Loving My Mother — and Becoming One”
I was an adoring daughter, ready to be an adoring mom.
Providing Security in an Insecure World
No matter what their ages, our children need to be reassured about the future.
“Thanking My Adoption Support Network”
One mother says the thank you’s we sometimes forget to say.
“Where Will We Fit In?”
Selling my parents’ house makes me wonder where to put down roots for our family of two.
“Goodbye to Grandpa”
My daughter’s struggle to make sense of this loss is shadowed by her earliest one.
Winning Over the Grandparents-To-Be
Even the most eager grandparents-to-be need time to work through concerns about adoption.
Post-Adoption Planning: What Single Parents Should Consider
I just adopted as a single parent. What should I do to protect the rights of myself and my child?