Adoptive mothers have unique questions and concerns. Here’s how to get the help–and guidance–you need.
When Kids Find Mom Embarrassing
No matter what you do, your preteen is mortified by your presence. What’s going on?
Ask AF: Sibling Prep in a Domestic Adoption
Ronny Diamond discusses how to prepare your child for a second domestic adoption and the idea of a baby sibling.
Ask AF: Staying on Formula
Answers to your parenting questions.
Adopting When You’re Single, Gay, Older, or Living Abroad
The growing number of one-parent households, availability of adoption subsidies in most states for children with special needs, and agencies’ desire to find homes for children who are older or who have disabilities are driving the acceptance of single-parent adoption.
[Book Review] Adopting on Your Own: The Complete Guide to Adopting as a Single Parent
An adoptive mom reviews Adopting on Your Own, Lee Varon’s guide to the wide variety of issues unmarried men and women face when building a family.
Is Your Child Ready for School?
She has her backpack, pencils, and notebook. But does she know how to field adoption questions that might come her way?
When Food Becomes a Battleground
Children who reject food aren’t necessarily rejecting you.
Is There a Test to Determine a Child’s Age?
We were told that our daughter was six when she was adopted, but she seems much younger. Is there a medical test to determine her age accurately?
[Book Review] The First Year: Hepatitis C
Written by two HCV postitive women, this book can help adoptive parents understand and manage the hepatitis C virus.