After finally realizing my dream of becoming a mother, I found what most new parents find—along with the bliss come days filled with crying, spit-up, and leaking diapers. But when I dared to vent, I was chided: “You wanted to adopt…you asked for this!”
Strengthening Your Family Around the Dinner Table
Want to strengthen your teen’s sense of belonging? Make family meals mandatory.
Defusing Your Teen’s Explosive Moods
It can be easier for adopted teens to express anger than the emotions that are often behind it: vulnerability, weakness, or uncertainty. Help your adolescent deal with these complex feelings in more effective ways.
Searching for Answers…with Google?
The Internet requires a cautious approach when teens are looking for answers about adoption.
“How Do I Fit Into My Family?”
As your teen heads toward adulthood, she’ll strive to discover who she is.
When Classmates Ask
How can you help your child answer adoption questions with confidence—and handle any queries that come your way?
When Boys are Bullies and Girls Are Mean
If your child is the giver or receiver of unkind behavior, read on.
Stepping Back at School
As your child progresses through elementary school, she should take more responsibility for handling tricky assignments. Here’s how to hand off the reins.
Exploring Family Roots at School
The family tree assignment is a perfect opportunity to answer your child’s questions about adoption.
How Preteens Can Answer Prying Questions at School
How to help your middle schooler cope with curious peers.
Dolls and Toys for Our Families
We asked readers, “Have you found any dolls or other toys that reflect your child’s race and/or birth culture that you would specifically recommend?” Here are the top picks.
“Letting the 13-Year-Old Drive”
How do you empower a child entering his teen years in a state of defeat, powerlessness, and utter self-disregard? You give him a key and tell him to take off!
“A Balanced View of Adoption”
With such a spectrum of opinions about adoption, it’s hard to know if we talk about it too much, or not enough, and in the right way. But watching my son navigate adoption comments at school reassured me of his comfort with it.
Packing a School Lunch Your Picky Eater Will Devour
Picky eating is common in children—and as a parent, it’s probably driving you crazy. Here, simple strategies (like using a cookie cutter!) help make sure your child gets enough to eat.
Parent-to-Parent: My Best Advice to Myself
Adoptive parents share the best adoption advice they would give themselves if they could go back five years, whether that would take them back to the adoption process or the early days of parenting.
“Should We Tell Our Son’s Teacher That He Was Adopted?”
Families share their experiences with school and adoption issues.
Sometimes Making Friends Takes Practice
Some children seem to know the rules naturally, others need a little help.
Leaving Mom Behind
“Mom, just drop us off at the corner!”
Building Your Child’s Sense of Self-Worth
Families that expand their worlds to incorporate all kinds of cultures help their children develop strong racial identities.
Getting in Shape for Your New Arrival
Babies are demanding little creatures whose needs for food and dry diapers and cuddling and comforting rarely occur only during the day. Here’s how adoptive parents can get ready.