For an overview of the average cost to adopt from Ethiopia, see the categories below. Don’t forget that the cost of adoption will be offset by the federal adoption tax credit (unless your income exceeds federal limitations) so make sure to keep detailed records of fees and payments during your adoption process.
Homestudy: $1,000-$3,000
Documentation & Authentication: $1,000-$3,000
I-600 Visa Application: $700–$900
Postage/Telephone: $200-$500
Application Fee: $150-$600
Program Fee: $10,000–$15,000
Child’s Passport/Visa: $200-$500
Child’s medical exams: $300-$600
Gifts: $100-$200
Post Placement Fees[1]: $500-$2,000
Airfare, Hotels, etc.: $5,000-$10,000
AVERAGE COST (before tax credit): $30,000-$40,000
MAXIMUM TAX CREDIT [3]: $13,190 per finalization
All Budgets
- [1] May be included in program fee or home study fee.
- [2] Costs of adopting a child from foster care may be eligible for reimbursement (up to $2,000) by the child’s state, depending on state regulations. Also, adoptions of U.S. children with special needs are eligible for the federal tax credit, regardless of actual expenses.
- [3] Subject to income limitations. Visit the IRS website for more info.