Parent-To-Parent: Happy Adoption Day

We asked, "How do you celebrate your child's adoption finalization?" Parents answered.

Parents share how their families celebrate adoption day

Did you celebrate the day you met your child or his adoption finalization? Do you continue to mark that day every year? What do you call it? Members of our Facebook page shared their stories:

“We went to Build-a-Bear and each child made an animal. Then, last year on the anniversary, we brought the animals back and picked out new outfits. We also went out for their favorite treat–frozen yogurt.”

“We call our day ‘Family Day’ and have a party. We sing ‘Happy Birthday to Us’ and blow out candles every year.”

“We make a great dinner and cake. My daughter loves it because it is her day–’my holiday,’ as she calls it!”

“We call it ‘Gotcha Day’! We still celebrate our kids’ Gotcha Days with some kind of family fun–a movie out, bowling, a special day trip, something to remind us all of how special it is.”

“We celebrate the day we met and call it our ‘Familversary.’ We go out to dinner and reminisce about what has happened in our lives since then. We’ve only had two Familversaries so far, but we already have a LOT to remember!”

“We celebrate the anniversary of our court date with family day for each of our girls. They get to pick a special dinner and we put four candles on their dessert of choice–one candle represents them, one candle represents us as parents, and then one each for their birth mother and birth father.”


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