The Joy of Board Books

Nurture your child's love of reading with tales that shine a light on diversity and adoption.

Children's Board Books

Reading a board book to your newly adopted baby or toddler is a wonderful way to bond with her. Fashioned for small hands and made of durable materials, these little gems provide your child a perfect entree into the world of books. Today there are hundreds of board books available, some of which celebrate diversity and—a few—adoption. Which ones will appeal to your child?

What to Look For

The first thing to consider is a book’s accessibility. Some board books were first published for older children, in a large hardcover format, and have since been adapted to the small, cardboard version. Such books, featuring pictures and stories designed for older kids, don’t usually work as well for babies and toddlers. Other board books are commercial tie-ins to TV shows and videos, and have crowded pictures and long tales. They are too detailed for little ones, possibly making their first experience with books a negative one.

The best board books have an “open” design, with large print and simple illustrations, typically set against a solid background. They often feature bright, contrasting colors that appeal to young children. A handful of books have black and white illustrations, which are especially good for young babies, whose vision is still developing.

A straightforward, short text works best. Just a few words per page will entertain babies, while toddlers are ready for a bit more. Look for books that use rhythm and rhyme in a way that sounds good to you. Young children enjoy books about subjects they know, such as babies, parents, siblings, toys, and pets. (And if the baby, parent, or sibling looks like the young reader, all the better!) Animals of all sorts interest little listeners as well. So go ahead and make animal noises, and encourage your child to make them, too. It’s part of the reading fun!


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