Letters to the Editor, RE: April 2019

Readers share feedback about articles published in the April 2019 issue of Adoptive Families magazine.


RE: 8 Keys to Talking About Adoption

As the author suggested, we’ve talked about adoption with our daughter since she was a baby, and made sure she knew that it was an incredible blessing for us.
STEPHANIE • via Facebook


RE: “A New Path in Our Adoption Journey”

I’m glad that is it possible to have a biological mom and adoptive mom reconnect and work together. I also have to wonder how the ups and downs of a birth parent’s sobriety affects the child, emotionally and in terms of safety. It must be hard to feel in the middle of it all. Children need to be able to feel “normal” and work on their own issues, as well.
MIRIAN • via Facebook


RE: The “Match Meeting” with an Expectant Mother

My advice: The expectant mother is as nervous as you are, if not more. Listen more than you talk, and be honest and open. And, for us, it was helpful to keep in mind that this situation was out of our control. We could do and say everything “right,” but, at the end of the day, she could choose someone else or decide to parent.
SUZIE • via Facebook

It was important to me that the expectant mom we met get to know both me and my husband. In the end, she told us that when she interviewed other couples, the prospective fathers did not talk or engage, and that was a big deciding factor. Be yourself. It’s not a popularity contest. She’s likely looking for commonalities you share with her.
KAREN • via Facebook



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