Letters to the Editor, RE: Spring 2016

RE: The Adoption Process from the Expectant Mother’s Perspective

I wanted to let you know that I am also a birth mom and I truly appreciated your article highlighting four different birth mothers. I have an open adoption with my birth son, who is now 13 years old, and his family. I speak at conferences and am excited that more and more birth moms are speaking out and educating people about our hearts. I am also an adoptee and recently found my birth mom, which has been exciting. She is in a different place than I am, but she is healing. Thank you!
Melissa Kugler • via e-mail

I loved reading this. Really cool.
Rebekah Lawrence • via Facebook


RE: A ‘Lost’ Daughter Speaks, and All of China Listens

This article made me wonder, as I often do, if my own daughter may want to look for her biological parents. We have so little information and our agency failed to help us speak with people at the orphanage. Knowing that the chance she will ever find her birth mother is slim breaks my heart.
Shawndra Martinez • via Facebook

Shawndra, I once felt as you do, but have found that so much is happening so fast in China regarding search. With technology, the reality of finding birth parents in China is growing.
Barb Testa Butz • via Facebook


RE: Adoption Cost and Timing in 2014-2015

We are in the process of completing our home study. The cost of adopting is so daunting! We would consider adopting out of the foster care system, but really want a newborn and don’t feel equipped to handle an older child with special needs.
Monica Mackie • via Facebook

Adoption from the state is so low cost, and there are so many kiddos who are already legally free for adoption, so there’s no fostering required. We are pursuing this route and strictly getting licensed for adoption.
Rebecca Mock Wright • via Facebook


RE: “Worth the Risk”

Like Jennifer Palmer, our hearts have also been shattered by a failed adoption. The only condolence I can give is to know that it’s for the children. The author obviously gave great love, and it will come back to her. That said, if we lose the little one we have now, we’re not sure we could foster again and take another heartbreak. We want a child we can call our own. Selfish? Maybe.
Chuck LaBarbera • via Facebook

How do you open your heart all over again after the loss of a failed adoption? I love everything about this article. So much of it resonates with me.
Rachelle Alspaugh • via Facebook


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