The document we receive is not called a Mothering Certificate, it’s a Certificate of Live Birth. So why isn’t the birth mother’s name on there?
Ask AF: Filing Taxes Without an SSN
Answers to your parenting questions.
Letting Go: The Truth About Adoption Disruption
The decision to disrupt an adoption is agonizing. But if it’s been made, we must focus on the child’s best interests rather than on placing blame, say families and experts.
Looking Back: “Where Do I Belong?”
In the film “Outside Looking In,” a transracial adoptee explore the complexities of his identity.
“The Final Step”
A mother is surprised at her tears when, standing in a courtroom, that last bit of red tape comes unstuck.
Ask AF: Post-Adoption Services
An adoption expert answers a question about post-adoption services after finalization, and whether parents can get help for a special needs child.
Ask AF: Adoption Leave
Answers to your parenting questions.