Wondering how to adopt from Morocco? Find statistics, prospective parent requirements, and an average budget and timeline.
Peru Adoption Fast Facts
Wondering how to adopt from Peru? Find statistics, prospective parent requirements, and an average budget and timeline.
Nicaragua Adoption Fast Facts
Wondering how to adopt from Nicaragua? Find statistics, prospective parent requirements, and an average budget and timeline.
Lithuania Adoption Fast Facts
Wondering how to adopt from Lithuania? Find statistics, prospective parent requirements, and an average budget and timeline.
New Brief: Chinese Birth Parent Search Manual to Be Released
Two adult adoptees are working on the first edition of a Chinese Birth Parent Search Manual, to be released at the end of 2016.
Adoptive Breastfeeding with Supplemental Nursing
One mother shares the special memories she has of bonding with her child during breastfeeding, and the book that helped her figure it out.
Teaching Your Child the ABC’s of Reading
When it comes to reading skills, parents are their children’s first—and best—teachers. Here’s how to give your child a head start on mastering the written word.
Ask AF: Building a Good Relationship with Your Pediatrician
How can I work with my child’s health care provider to make sure my child gets the best possible care?
10 Lists to Help You Prepare for Adoption
A list of lists to help you through the adoption process and wait.
How to Prepare for Parenthood
After years of disappointment, adopting couples have a hard time believing that parenthood is just around the corner. But now is the time to get ready.
How to Lobby Your Employer for Adoption Benefits
For working people who want to adopt, the need to take time off without pay may put adoption beyond your financial means.
Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
If you’re worried the child you’re adopting has been exposed to alcohol prenatally, what should you watch out for?
Is Special Needs Adoption Right for Your Family?
Why adopt a child with medical special needs? The answers will surprise you and touch your soul.
Addressing Learning and Language Delays
Early assessment can make all the difference when a child has learning or language developmental delays.
More Than Just the Blues
How to recognize and cope with post-adoption depression.
Your Child’s Medical History
The information you need to know, and how to track it down.
What Can We Learn from Our Kids’ DNA?
As genetic testing makes its way into the adoption world, our families discover its promise — and its limitations.
Telling the Tough Stuff
Here’s how to tell your child the difficult facts about his adoption in positive, age-appropriate ways…and how to keep the conversation going.
Talking with Children about Adoption
Is it what you say, how early you say it, or how often you say it that matters most to your child? Barbara Russell gives tips on talking about adoption with your child.
Ask AF: Lobbying for Adoption Benefits
Answers to your parenting questions.