The fees are minimal to non-existent, wait times can be shorter than in private or international adoption, and there are many younger children, toddlers, and even infants available for adoption. In many cases, subsidies are available for the childs living expenses and healthcare, even after the adoption is completed.
“Deciding to Adopt Older Siblings from Foster Care”
At first, we envisioned welcoming a baby into our home. But we soon discovered that adopting older children was right for us.
A Child to Love
The path to adopting a child for many involves becoming a foster parent first. Learn about the risks, rewards, and responsibilities of caring for children in the U.S. foster care system.
Ask AF: My Child Is a Bully
Answers to your parenting questions.
“Why We Chose Foster Adoption”
Foster adoption was right for these three families. Read their stories to find out why.
Foster Adoption: Fast Facts
More and more families are starting to consider foster care. Find out why.
“Our Initiation Into Parenthood”
Our first foster placements were a two-year-old girl and her baby brother. Their last placement had disrupted due to her primal fits. As a child therapist, I dealt with children all day, sometimes for an hour at a time. I told my husband we could handle it. I’ll get back to that later.
[Book Review] Telling The Truth To Your Adopted Or Foster Child: Making Sense Of The Past
Betsy Keefer Smalley and Jayne E. Schooler’s book will help parents who are struggling to find the right words to tell an adoption story in a positive and realistic way.
Ask AF: Upset About Mom’s Pregnancy
Q: We adopted our daughter from foster care at age 11. Two months ago, I found out I was pregnant. At first she was very excited, but now she huffs or changes the subject whenever it comes up. I’m sure she’s upset that she’ll have to share her room and her parents, but how can I prove that our love for her will remain the same?
Foster Youth Becomes Miss Alabama’s Outstanding Teen
A foster youth living in a group home defied the odds to become Miss Alabama’s Outstanding Teen.
Improving College Graduation Rates for Foster Children
Foster children in the US graduate college at shockingly low rates. One study tries to find out why.
A Few of Our Favorite Blogs
Looking for a new read? Check out these blogs on adoption, foster care, and life after infertility.
“What Plans?”
Adoption can be an unpredictable journey. We never realized just how unpredictable.
“Paying My Respects to My Son’s Birth Mother”
Our son came to us from foster care, in a closed adoption. So how did I find myself walking through the doors of a dark funeral home, preparing to introduce myself to his other family?
Davion’s Forever Family
The story of Davion Navar Henry Only may have finally come to an end.
All About Food: Nutrition 101
How can I make sure my child develops healthy eating habits?
“Three Little Words on My Adoption Day”
A decade of disappointing foster care placements made me doubt the two people who had taken me into their hearts.
“Our Foster Adoption Journey” — Six-Part Series
Real parents who navigated the Fost/Adopt system successfully write about their rewarding experience in this six-part series.
Healing from Food Insecurity
If your child is prone to overeating or hoarding food, help her move past her food insecurity with these tips.
Wanted: Teens
Adopt an adolescent? People do, all the time.