My son’s Mexican heritage is not apparent to others. Is it my responsibility to identify ourselves as a multiracial family?
“Blurring the Line”
Mississippi has the largest population of African Americans in the United States, and the color line seems to be drawn in permanent ink or, perhaps, in blood. Because of this, I always believed I would never go back after my daughters came home from Haiti.
“Talking About Race in Our Blended Family”
A chance conversation in the car almost set our son apart from our family. But what happened brought him closer to me than ever.
“We Did Not ‘Save’ Our Son”
Saying Matthew was “saved” implies doubt about his desirability, his worthiness to be adopted. “After all, you didn’t have to take in this baby,” is the unspoken message.
Age-by-Age Ways to Celebrate Birth Culture
An age-by-age guide to cultural activities that help our children take pride in their identity.
“A Homeland Trip with My Teens”
I planned our homeland trip, hoping to see my children’s birthplaces. Surprisingly, those proved elusive, but we found meaning at every turn.
“Intimate Strangers”: Birth Parent Contact in Foster Adoption
The 894 pages of my daughter’s foster care case history described her birth mother’s hard life, scarred by poverty, drug addiction, and homelessness. I never expected to meet her—much less like her.
Ask AF: Teen Friendships
Answers to your parenting questions.
Finding Role Models of Your Child’s Race
Answers to your parenting questions.
Dealing with Stereotypes
When our children get hit with negative — or positive — labels, it robs them of who they really are.
Building Identity: “Who Can I Be?”
From workshops and playshops to heritage travel and adoptee camps — there are tons of way to teach your kid about their culture!
“Braiding Barbara’s Hair”
As the white mother of an African American daughter, I learned more than I ever could’ve imagined about hair.
When to Let Kids Handle Racism On their Own
Answers to your parenting questions.
“They Remembered Me”
A Korean adoptee learns that human nature doesn’t always follow perceived “best practices.”
The “China Doll” Syndrome
When excessive attention sets children apart.
“What to Expect When You’re Not Expecting”
Without sonograms, morning sickness, and kicking, you have to find the joy in your own “moments” as you wait to adopt.
Dealing with Differences
Our culture isn’t always compassionate toward those who fall outside the “norm.” But we can help our children embrace their uniqueness — and become more tolerant, too.
Is Your Family Ready for a Homeland Journey?
Heritage trips help children discover their past-and inspire who they’ll become. Help your child prepare for the journey with these expert-tested tips.
The Heart of the Matter
How do parents know when a child’s behavior is related to adoption, and when it’s not?
Raising a Child of Another Race
Deliberate parenting can make a difference in a transracial adoption.