Readers Share: Funniest Comments About Adoption

Parents remember the most unexpected questions or the funniest comments they ever got from their child about adoption.

An adopted child whispering one of the funniest comments about adoption her mom has ever heard

“What’s the funniest, craziest, or most unexpected question or comment from your child about adoption?”


+ “When my daughter met her birth mother she said, “Did you know I grew in your tummy?!”

+ “When we were in the process of adopting, my six-year-old biological daughter announced that she knew where babies came from: ‘CPS!’”

+ “My daughter’s adoption day was last week and her brothers’ is coming up, and she’s asked repeatedly when mine is. I keep telling her that her grandma is my birth mom, so I wasn’t adopted, but she insists, ‘But everyone has an adoption day!’”

+ “I’m pregnant and my daughter asked if the baby in my tummy is going to go live with her birth mom.”

+ “Our African-American daughter asked, ‘Why do you and Daddy have down hair and I have up hair?’ I explained that she inherited her ‘up hair’ from her birth father.”

+ “Does the birth mom eat the baby to get it in her tummy?”

+ “When our daughter asked where we got our cat, I replied that we adopted him from the humane society. She got very excited, picked up the cat, and said, ‘You are from Russia, just like me!’”


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