Privacy Policy

Effective Date: May 22, 2017

This Privacy Policy applies to New Hope Media LLC d/b/a Adoptive Families and describes how Adoptive Families collects, uses and shares customer information from our websites, mobile websites, and the services provided by us in connection with the sites that link to this Privacy Policy such as It also provides guidance on how you can manage the personal information that you provide to us. Please also read our full Privacy Policy below.

Adoptive Families Privacy Policy Highlights

Your Information Choices

We do not share the names of visitors to our websites, nor do we sell our subscriber or emails lists to any individual or organization.

You can control whether you want to receive promotional communications from us. More info

Personal Information Collected

When you register with us to access our online community or make a purchase, you voluntarily share certain personal information with us such as your name, e-mail address, address, telephone number, and/or credit/debit card information. You may also share personal information when you connect to our sites through social media networks. We may collect additional information from you (e.g., unique device identifier, device’s operating system, or mobile carrier) if you access our sites through a mobile device. More Info

Tracking Technologies (Cookies, etc.)

We use tracking technologies such as cookies and similar technologies to measure usage during your visits to our services to provide information and advertising that will be of most interest to you. More info

Targeted Advertising

Third parties may also use information gathered from your use of the services to serve targeted, interest based advertisements to you on websites and mobile applications. More info

Use and Sharing of Information

We may share information gathered from your use of the services with affiliated companies, service providers, mobile carriers, social networks, legal and law enforcement, others if there is a change of control, and as otherwise set forth in this Privacy Policy. More info

Your Information Access and Managing Options

You can change your personal information by logging on to your account or contacting us. We may retain the information collected for the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy. More info


Any disputes under this Privacy Policy will be resolved in accordance binding arbitration as outlined in the Terms of Use.

Updates to this Privacy Policy

Changes to this Privacy Policy will be posted with a new “Effective Date”. More info

Contacting Us

Questions about our Privacy Policy or the use of your information may be sent to [email protected] or as otherwise set forth in the Privacy Policy. More info

Adoptive Families Privacy Policy

Effective Date: May 22, 2017

New Hope Media LLC has developed this privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) which details important information regarding the use and disclosure of user information collected on New Hope Media LLC owned or controlled websites, including, its mobile sites and applications (collectively, “Sites”), and related services, communications and tools that link to this Privacy Policy, and when you interact offline with Adoptive Families or ADDitude regarding those Sites, and related services and tools (collectively referred to as the “Services”). New Hope Media provides this Privacy Policy to help you make an informed decision about whether to use to use the Services and the choices we offer for you to manage the information we collect. Each time that you access or use the Services, you are agreeing to this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy or Terms of Use (“Terms”), which are incorporated into this Privacy Policy by reference and govern your use of our Services, please discontinue accessing or using the Services.

1. Information We Collect

Information Collected Directly From You. You can browse our Services without telling us who you are or revealing any personal information. If you create an account to access our online community (e.g., or, contact us, or purchase any of our Services, you are choosing to give us your personal information, including but not limited to your name, address, email address, phone number, mobile telephone number, or physical contact information about yourself. You may also provide payment information such as credit or debit card information and billing address to purchase our products and services.

Information Imported from Social Networks. We may collect information from you when you interact with our Services through third party social networking services (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google +) (each and collectively, a “Social Network”). You may also have the option to consent to connecting your activity on our Services with your Social Network information and activity. If you permit a connection, we and that Social Network may be able to identify you and associate information received pursuant to the connection with information we already have about you. Please review the Social Network’s privacy policy and choices for sharing information of any Social Network connected to our Services.

Surveys and Promotions. From time-to-time we may request information from you and other users via surveys, or contests, sweepstakes or other promotions. Participation is completely voluntary. Information collected may be used as set forth in this Privacy Policy and as set forth in the applicable terms or official rules, such as to notify the winners and award prizes, and file winners’ information as required by law. Survey information will be used for the purposes of the survey.

Information You Post/Social Networks. The Services are designed to enable you to communicate with others and any information or content you post when participating with the Services and Social Networks, plug ins or other applications becomes public information, depending upon your privacy settings, and is subject to redistribution by Adoptive Families, ADDitude, and third parties. There is no expectation of privacy when you are posting content or otherwise participating in such interactive forums and we have no control over how those users may use the information you make public. Therefore, you should exercise caution and discretion when deciding to disclose your personal information in a submission or posting.

Mobile Devices. We may collect additional information from you if you access our Services through a mobile device; for example, your unique device identifier, device’s operating system, mobile carrier, and regional location. We may also collect your location information from your IP address or zip code. The degree to which your location can be identified depends on the device you are using, e.g. laptop, smartphone, tablet or other access device (each a “Device”) and how you are connected to the internet (e.g. via cable broadband connection, WiFi, etc.).

Information We Collect From Third Parties. We acquire information from other trusted sources to update or supplement the information we collect, such as information to validate or update your address or demographic and lifestyle information.

2. Information Collected Through Tracking Technologies

Tracking Technologies. In addition to any information that you choose to submit to us, we and our business partners may use a variety of tracking technologies (“Tracking Technologies”), that automatically (or passively) collect certain information from your Device whenever you visit or interact with the Services or third party sites. This information may include your Device identifier, the type and version of Internet browser software you use, and your operating system. We may also collect password information from you when you log in, as well as computer and connection information. During some visits, we may use these tools to measure and collect session information, including page response times, download errors, time spent on certain pages and page interaction information. Certain features of our Services are only available through the use of Tracking Technologies. You may encounter tracking technologies/cookies from our third party service providers that we have allowed on our Services and who assist us with various aspects of our operations and Services. We use Google to serve first party cookies (such as Google Analytics cookie) to report how our ad impressions, and interactions with these ad impressions and ad services are related to visits to the Services. To learn about Google Analytics’ current available opt-outs for the web, click here. To learn more about how Google uses cookies in interest based advertising, you can visit the Google ad and content network privacy policy located at You can opt-out of receiving interest based Google ads, or customize the ads Google shows you by clicking Please be aware that if you choose to block certain cookies, you may not be able to sign in or use those cookie dependent features, and preferences that are dependent on cookies may be lost. If you choose to delete cookies, settings and preferences controlled by those cookies, including advertising preferences, may be deleted and may need to be recreated. Tracking Technologies are used for a variety of purposes, including the following:

Operationally Necessary. We may use Tracking Technologies for system administration, to prevent fraudulent activity, to improve security or to allow you to make use of our Services.

Performance Related. We may use Tracking Technologies to assess the performance of our Services, including as part of our analytic practices to improve content offered through the Services.

Functionality Related. We may use Tracking Technologies to tell us, for example, whether you have visited the Services before or if you are a new visitor and to help us identify the features in which you may have the greatest interest.

Targeting Related. We may use Tracking Technologies to deliver content, including ads, relevant to your interests on the Services and third party sites based on how you interact with our advertisements or content, as well as to track the content you access. For more information, see Section 3 below.

Location Functionality. Information gathered from your use of the Services may be combined with information from third-party sources to identify your location by state and region (“Regional Location”). If you enable location services for our Services, we may collect Regional Location data periodically as you use or leave open our Services.

3. Targeted Advertising

Interest Based Advertising. We may use Tracking Technologies to collect information about your visits over time and across the Services and other third party web sites, as well as information received from other sources, in order to serve more targeted advertising to you. To serve our ads, we use a variety of third party advertising service providers, including networks, data exchanges, ad servers, analytics providers and others. These third parties may use Tracking Technologies to send directly to your Device the advertisements and links that appear on the Services. They automatically receive your Device identifier when this happens. Their tools may also limit the number of times you see the same ad and help measure the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns. These third parties may also use information gathered from your use of the Services to serve targeted, interest based advertisements to you on third party websites and applications. Some of the advertising service providers may be members of the Network Advertising Initiative, which offers a single location to opt-out of ad targeting from member companies. If you opt-out of receiving targeted ads in this manner, you will continue to receive advertising messages, but they will not be customized to you based on your use of the Services and third party sites. If you would like more information about advertisers’ use of tracking technologies and about your option not to accept them, you can go to . To learn more about how interest-based information is collected, whether the companies we use are part of an industry network regarding behavioral advertising, or to know your choices about not having information used in this manner, you can go to . Some newer mobile device operating systems allow you to limit the use of information to deliver interest-based advertising in mobile applications. You can check the settings on your mobile Device for such options in your mobile Devices’ operating system. Alternatively, you may wish to download the TrustE mobile application and/or the Digital Alliance “App Choices” mobile application and follow the instructions provided.

Please note that the opt-out is cookie-based and will only affect the specific computer or mobile application, and browser or operating system, on which the opt-out is applied. You can also accept or decline cookies through your browser settings. To learn more, please look at the cookie settings available in your specific web browser(s).

Browser “Do Not Track” Signals. Some third party browsers provide “do not track” machine readable signals for websites, which are automatically applied by default and therefore do not necessarily reflect our visitors’ choice as to whether they wish to receive advertisements tailored to their interests. As a result, we do not respond to these signals.

4. How We Use and Share Your Information

Our Use of Information. We may use information that we collect about you (1) to respond to your requests; (2) to fulfill orders; (3) to provide customer service; (4) to administer surveys, sweepstakes or other promotions; (5) to improve and customize our Services; (6) to provide information to a third party at your request; (7) to give you information about your account or our Services; (8) for internal business purposes; (9) for purposes disclosed at the time you provide your information, or (10) as otherwise set forth in this Privacy Policy.

Service Providers. We may disclose information to our third party service providers in order to monitor the activity of the Services, conduct surveys, administer contests or sweepstakes, send marketing communications, and provide other Services to you, such as customer service.

Process Payments. Information may be disclosed to process credit/debit card transactions, which are handled by established third party banking, processing agents and distribution institutions. They receive the information needed to verify and authorize your credit card or other payment information and to process your order. In addition, we may disclose information to third parties to verify the authenticity of any financial transaction involving our company or its affiliates or to update your billing information.

Co-branded Areas. Certain areas on our Services may be provided to you in association with third parties who provide us with specialized content (“Co-Branded Areas”). Such Co-Branded Areas will identify the third party. If you elect to register for the products and/or services provided at these Co-Branded Areas, you either will be providing your personal information to both us, or we might be providing your personal information directly to the third party. Your personal information will be subject to this Privacy Policy as well as the privacy policy and practices of such third party. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of those third parties and we suggest you review the respective privacy policies of those third parties to learn more about their privacy practices.

Mobile Data. When you access the Services on a mobile Device, we may use the information collected for any purpose set forth in this Privacy Policy. For example, we may use the information internally or in conjunction with our third parties to provide you with location-based Services, such as advertising, search results, and other personalized content that may be relevant to you.

Analyze and Aggregate Non-Personal Information. We use aggregate or non-personal information about our users to analyze our Services and user behavior and prepare reports which we may share with third parties.

Promotional Communications. We do not share the names of visitors to our websites, nor do we sell our subscriber or emails lists to any individual or organization However, we may use your contact information to send you electronic updates and communications about our products and services or other promotional communications, such as newsletters, emails, or special offers (“Promotional Communications”). If you wish to opt-out of receiving Promotional Communications from us you may follow the instructions in Section 6 Choice and Opt-Out, set forth below.

Information from Other Sources. The information we collect may be combined with information from outside records (e.g., demographic, navigation, and additional contact information) that we have acquired in accordance with the law. We may also acquire information from other sources about your visits over time and across other third party websites, in order to serve targeted advertising to you on the Services.

Legal Matters; Safety. We may, without your consent, access and disclose your information, any communications sent or received by you, and any other information that we may have about you or your account as may be permitted or required by law (including, but not limited to court order or subpoena), or to prevent or investigate suspected fraud, violations of our Terms, or activity that appears to us to be illegal or may expose us to legal liability. Additionally, we may disclose your information in situations that we believe may involve potential threats to the physical safety of any person or property.

Sale or Transfer of Business or Assets. If Adoptive Families or ADDitude or any of its affiliated companies or businesses is sold or disposed of as a going concern, whether by merger, sale of assets or otherwise, or in the event of an insolvency, bankruptcy or receivership, information of our users may be one of the assets sold or merged in connection with that transaction. Information about our users may also be disclosed in connection with a commercial transaction where we are or any one of our businesses is seeking financing, investment, and support or funding.

Transactional Communications. We may use your information to send you notices from time to time relating to your account or your purchases. These may include order confirmations, invoices or customer service notifications. We may also send you Service-related announcements when it is necessary to do so; for instance, if our Service is temporarily suspended for maintenance, or the delivery of a product is delayed or there are policy changes.

5. Accessing and Managing Your Personal Information

We believe it is important for you to be able to access and manage your account and the information you have provided to us and make choices about how it is used. To inquire about or update your information, or change your preferences, you may contact customer service at [email protected] or call us at (646) 366-0830.

If you have a registered account, you may change your preferences by logging in to your profile and making updates.

You may also contact us by mail as set forth in Section 8 below.

6. Choice and Opt-Out

Opting Out of Promotional Messages:

Email. If you wish to opt-out of receiving Promotional Communications from us, you may click the unsubscribe link in the footer of any email. If for any reason the footer has been cut off by a third party email service (e.g., gmail) or you wish to email us send an email to [email protected] with “Unsubscribe from Email” in the subject line. Please be sure to provide us with the email address you wish to opt-out.

Interest Based Ads. Please refer to Section 3 for opt-out information.

Transactional Messages. You may not opt-out of transactional or administrative e-mails, for example e-mails about your account, subscriptions, transactions or policy changes).

Timing and Third Parties. We will endeavor to comply with your request for changes as soon as reasonably possible. Unless required by law, we are not responsible for informing third parties with whom we have already shared your information of any changes requested pursuant to this section, or for removing information from or causing information to be removed from the databases or records of such entities.

7. Important Disclosures, Practices, and Contact Information

Links to Other Sites. Our Services may utilize hyperlinks to access third party sites, which are not controlled by us and, therefore, are not subject to this Privacy Policy. We recommend that you check the privacy policies of those third party sites to determine how the proprietors of those sites will utilize your information.

Security. We implement security measures to protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of personal information under our control. We use “Secure Socket Layers” or SSL to protect your personal information when collecting and transmitting your billing information to our payment processor. However, despite our efforts, no system can completely guaranty that there will never be unauthorized access to your personal information, and your use of our Services indicates that assume this risk.

Storage and Retention. Information that you provide to us in the course of requesting a product or service through the Services may be gathered and stored in one or more of our corporate databases. Your personal information is stored for the length of time you have an account and for legitimate business purposes as disclosed in this Privacy Policy. We may retain some information from closed accounts so that we can comply with law, prevent fraud, assist with investigations, resolve disputes, analyze or troubleshoot programs, enforce our Terms of Use, or take other actions permitted by law. If your account is terminated or suspended, we may also maintain some information to prevent re-registration.

A Note to International Users. The Services are hosted in the United States. If you are using the Services from outside the United States, you are consenting to the transfer of your information to the United States for processing and maintenance in accordance with this Privacy Policy and our Terms. You are also consenting to the application of United States law and New York state law in all matters concerning the Services.

Children’s Privacy. The Services are directed to an adult audience. We do not knowingly collect personal information from individuals under 18 years of age and, if we obtain actual knowledge that a user is under 18 years of age, we will take steps to remove that user’s personal information from our systems.

Changes to our Privacy Policy. We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time. You agree that we may notify you about material changes in the way we treat information by providing you with written notice, placing a notice on the Services or by posting the most recent version of the Privacy Policy on the Services, with the “Effective Date” posted at the top. You should check the Services frequently for updates. By accessing the Services after the Effective Date, you are deemed to consent to our then-current privacy policy.

Disputes. If you choose to visit the Services, your visit and any dispute over privacy is subject to this Privacy Policy and our Terms including arbitration, limitations on damages, resolution of disputes, and application of the laws of the United States and the state of New York.

8. Contacting Us

If you have any questions, comments or concerns about this Privacy Policy or our privacy practices email us at [email protected], or write to us at: New Hope Media, PO Box 701, Norfolk, CT 06058.

When contacting us, please include your full name, address, phone number, and email address, and indicate the specific nature of your request.

Copyright © 2017 New Hope Media, LLC. All rights reserved.

Information Regarding Tracking Technologies
